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Triaging guidelines

Issue triage is a process by which Nebari maintainers and contributors understand and review new GitHub issues and requests, and organize them to be actioned. Triaging involves categorizing issues and pull requests based on factors such as priority, area of ownership of the issue (tags), and the issue kind (bug, feature, and so on).

We aim to triage new issues or pull requests within 1-2 working days. Triage can happen asynchronously and continuously, or in regularly scheduled meetings.

Why Is triaging beneficial?​

Projects that triage regularly say it offers a number of benefits, such as:

  • Speeding up issue management
  • Keeping contributors engaged by shortening response times
  • Preventing work from lingering endlessly
  • Replacing niche requests and one-offs with a neutral process that acts like a boundary
  • Greater transparency, interesting discussions, and more collaborative, informed decision-making
  • Building prioritization, negotiation and decision-making skills, which are critical to most tech roles
  • Reinforcement of the project's community and culture

People who enjoy product management and iterating on processes tend to enjoy triaging because it empowers their project to maintain a steady, continuous flow of work that is assessed and prioritized based on feedback, impact, and value.

Triaging workflow​

Step 1: Review newly created issues​

The first step in a triaging workflow is to review the newly created open issues in the repository. An efficient way to do this is by using the is:issue is:open sort:created-dec query in the repository's issue search, which will show the most recently created issues first (see an example of this in the Nebari issue tracker).

Other useful queries include:

QueryExample searchWhat it sorts
is:issue is:open label:"needs: follow-up πŸ“₯" needs-follow-up nebariIssues that need to be following up from a maintainer
is:issue is:open sort:created-asc no:labelcreated-ascending nebariUntriaged issues by age
is:issue is:open sort:comments-desccomments-descending nebariBusiest issues, sorted by # of comments
is:issue is:open sort:created-decnew-issues nebariNewest incoming issues

Step 2: Triage issues​

  1. First things first: thank the reporter for opening an issue. The issue tracker is many people’s first interaction with the Nebari project itself, beyond using the project itself. As such, we want it to be a welcoming, pleasant experience for everyone.

  2. Assess the issue and label, assign, or close accordingly.

    1. Depending on your permissions, either close or comment on any issues that are identified as support requests, duplicates, or not-reproducible bugs, or that lack enough information from the reporter (see sections below).
    2. Make sure that the title accurately reflects the issue. If you have the necessary permissions edit it yourself if it’s not clear.
    3. Remove the needs: triage label from the issue if this exists.
    4. Add the relevant labels. Detailed rationale on our labelling system can be found in the GitHub conventions section of our documentation.

Assign one and only one type: label to the issue and as many area: labels as are relevant. Take special care to evaluate and mark appropriate issues with the good first issue label to help new comers contribute to Nebari.

Feel free to use our saved replies to help you with triaging.

Abandoned or wrongly placed issues​

If an issue is abandoned or in the wrong place, either close or comment on it.

Needs more information​

The needs: investigation πŸ” label indicates an issue needs more information in order for work to continue; comment on or close it. This can be steps to reproduce the bug, details on the environment, or any other information that would help the issue move forward.


First, validate if the problem is a bug by trying to reproduce it.

If you can reproduce it:

  • Define its impact and area (see our GitHub conventions section for more details).
  • Search for duplicates to see if the issue has been reported already. If a duplicate is found, let the issue reporter know, reference the original issue, add the type: duplicate πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ label, and close the duplicate.

If you can't reproduce it:

  • Contact the issue reporter with your findings.
  • Close the issue if both the parties agree that it could not be reproduced.

If you need more information to further work on the issue:

  • Let the reporter know it by adding an issue comment, and label the issue with needs: investigation πŸ”.

In all cases, if you do not get a response within 20 days, close the issue with an appropriate comment. If you have permission to close someone else's issue, first assign the issue to yourself, then close it. If you do not, please leave a comment describing your findings and ask for the issue to be closed.

Support requests or best practices discussion​

Some people mistakenly use GitHub issues to file support requests. Usually they are asking for help configuring some aspect of Nebari. To handle such an issue, direct the author to use our support requests channels. Then apply the close? label and close the issue.


If you think you can fix the issue, assign it to yourself. If you cannot self-assign for permissions-related reasons, leave a comment that you'd like to claim it and begin working on a PR.

When an issue already has an assignee, do not assign it to yourself or create a PR without talking to the existing assignee first. Creating a PR when someone else is already working on an issue is not a good practice and is discouraged.

Further notes​

Opening new issues and leaving comments on other people's issues is possible for all contributors. However, permission to assign specific labels (such as type: enhancement πŸ’…πŸΌ), change milestones, or close other contributors' issues is only granted to the author of an issue, assignees, and organization members.

We have multiple saved replies that can be used to help triage issues and while conducting contributions reviews.

Support requests channels​

Support requests should be directed to the following channels: